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Lemon and Water

Claim No1. "Water with lemon will help you lose weight."   If you want to know more about this, read our article or watch our video about detox diets. Here I will give you just the ways that lemon water can make you lose weight.   Way no. 1: drink water with lemon and do […]

Metabolism and Weight Management

First of all, What is Metabolism? Metabolism is all the chemical processes that take place in our body, and have a vital role for body’s function. These processes are divided into two categories. i) In catabolic processes that primarily produce energy, and involve the breaking down complex molecules into simpler ones. ii) In anabolic processes, […]

Meal Frequency in Fat Loss and Muscle Gain

In regards to weight loss, I will begin with the most common claim:   Claim No1. "Frequent meals keep my metabolism up." Metabolism is nothing magical. It is all about the chemical processes that take place in the human body, with the main scope to survive. What should matter the most is the amount of […]

Eat breakfast like a king?

What is breakfast? As breakfast, we define the meal eaten in the morning, the first meal of the day, that “breaks” the overnight fast, the majority consider breakfast as the healthiest meal of the day. Its consumption is recommended by large organizations (1,2,3) while others categorically discourage its omission (4), since it has been suggested […]

Detox Diets

Usually, detox programs consist of extremely restrictive diets and/or a wide range of dietary supplements. Of course and as mentioned, they do not describe the substances they detoxify you from and the majority do not even share the same definition of what detoxification truly is. First things first What is toxin? It is defined as […]

Intermittent Fasting

I made this introduction because in the scientific literature, there is a variety of intermittent fasting protocols, such as the Alternate Day Fasting (a caloric restriction leading to 400-500kcal for 2 to 4 days a week, which occurs day after day). So, for a daily intermittent fasting protocol I would say that the term “Time-Restricted […]

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