Turmeric-Coconut Choco-Bars

Turmeric-Coconut Choco-Bars

The combination of turmeric, coconut and chocolate is unbeatable in both taste and nutritional value!

Prepping time:  5min
Cooking time: -
Servings: 6
Cost : 0,60€ per serving
Calories: 211 per serving
Exercise equivalent: 18min per serving



  • 100g dark chocolate
  • 1 cup grated coconut
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 1 ½ tbsp coconut oil



  1. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave.
  2. Melt the coconut butter in a pot.
  3. Mix the coconut, turmeric and coconut butter.
  4. In a rectangular mold, apply a baking sheet and pour over half the amount of melted chocolate. Place the coconut with the turmeric on top and cover with the rest of the chocolate
  5. Allow to cool to room temperature or refrigerate. Cut and enjoy.




  • You can also make this recipe in small choco cups, using silicone molds.
  • Pay an extra attention to our favorite turmeric, you will not get rid of it easily once it is up on your clothes!
  • Making sure you will successfully make this recipe,  you may put the first layer of chocolate in the fridge for a few minutes before tossing the coconut and turmeric on top. The layer of chocolate will freeze and so you will be able to squeeze the mixture with the coconut more easily, so that it is homogenized.