Raspberry Brownies

Dietitico Raspberry Brownie

These brownies' delicious aromas will can make your whole house smell amazing, fresh out of the oven.

Prepping time: 10min
Cooking time: 30min
Servings: 12
Cost: 0,50€ per serving
Calories: 88 per serving
Exercise equivalent: 7min per serving


  • 4 (200g) eggs
  • ¾ cup (65g) raspberries or strawberry jam with stevia
  • 1/3 cup (45g) olive oil
  • ½ cup (19g) sugar-free cocoa
  • 2 tbsp (15g) coconut or oat flour
  • ½ tsp. (2g) baking soda
  • 1 packet vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch (2g) of salt
  • ½ cup (50g) raspberries



  1. Mix the liquid ingredients in a pan.
  2. In another pan, mix the solid ingredients, after sieving them first.
  3. Incorporate the mixture of solids into that of liquids and mix well with a spatula.
  4. Pour the mixture into a pan to which you have applied an baking sheet and pour the raspberries on top.
  5. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius  for 30'.
  6. Allow to cool for 10', cut and serve.




  • If you do not want to use stevia jam, you can replace it with ¼ cup. maple syrup or honey.
  • There is another option is to replace the jam is your own natural fruit puree. Just mash the fruits of your choice (strawberries, raspberries) and let them simmer with a little water until they take the form of liquid jam. Make sure you shop only sweet and ripe fruits, as the sweet taste of your pulp will come only from the natural sugars of the fruit. If necessary, add a little honey at the end.
  • By adding your fruits in your dessert, you reduce the the sugar content of the meal and you have a meal lower in calories and richer in vitamins and minerals.