Nutri - Twix

Nutri - Twix

This recipe is here to confirm our claims about delicious and -at the same time- super nutritious meals and snacks.

Prepping time: 5min
Cooking time: 120min
Servings: 10
Cost: 1,10€ per serving 
Calories: 221 per serving 
Exercise equivalent: 19min per serving 


  • 200g dark chocolate (75% cocoa )
  • 1 cup (75g) dried dates
  • 1 cup (60g) oats
  • ½ cup (45g) almonds
  • ½ cup (37.5g) dried dates
  • ½ cup (60g) almond butter
  • ½ tsp coarse salt (optional)



  1. Soak the dates in warm water for about 30 '
  2. Put the oats, half the dates and the almonds in the blender. Beat until it becomes a paste. Spread this paste on a rectangular mold to which you have applied a bake sheet.
  3. Add the dates with the almond butter in the blender. Mix well to have the texture of liquid caramel (if necessary, add 1 tbsp water to facilitate the beating. Spread the caramel substitute mixture on top of the oatmeal. Put in the freezer for at least 1 hour. Your layers will they must be frozen enough so that they can be easily cut.
  4. Just before removing your 2 layers from the freezer, melt the chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave.
  5. Cut into strips 1 cm thick and dip in the chocolate. Put your twix in a baking sheet (add a little of your coarse salt if you wish) and put in the fridge to freeze for about 1 hour.




  • You can add any nut and  any nut butter you like. We would suggest you not to prefer tahini in this particular recipe, because of its unique but strong taste.
  • When taking your two layers out of the freezer, make sure you move as fast as possible and avoid touching too much with your hands. We want our strips to be as cold as possible, so that it is easier to dip them in chocolate.