Chocolate Tarts

Chocolate Tarts

This is the most healthy and nutritious recipe for mini tarts you can find! Why don't you give it a try?

Prepping time: 5min
Cooking time: 15min
Servings: 5
Cost: 0,90 € per serving 
Calories: 315 per serving 
Exercise equivalent: 27min per serving 


  • 1 cup (90g) almonds
  • 1/2cup (37g) raisins
  • 150g dark chocolate (75% cocoa )
  • 150g almond or coconut yogurt
  • Orange zest



  1. Soak the raisins in warm water for about 30 '
  2. Beat the raisins and almonds inn a blender. Lay the mixture in silicone moles and bake them at 150 degrees Celsius, in the air for 15'. Set aside to cool.
  3. Melt the chocolate in a baking pan or in the microwave and incorporate the almond or coconut yogurt with a spatula. Put in the orange zest, and then put all the cream in a pastry bag to fill your mini tarts (you may do it with a spoon as well).
  4. Garnish with fruits of your choice and leave them in the fridge for approximately one hour.




  • Don't be scared if when you take your tarts out of the over they are a bit soft. They will eventually cool and you will bet able to take them out easily from the silicone molds.
  • If you are not vegan and you do not like almond or coconut yogurt, you can also use a low fat yogurt for this recipe.